undergrad + masters
I probably wouldn't of came if it weren't for all the beautiful colors and familiar faces that I came across on campus on this (march) afternoon...even though many of us were gone, I was still in town to catch the after ceremony picture session at school.
A strange feeling came upon me as i pointed the lens away at some of these friends that i had just made...fresh, only after 6 months...
that's it: for some it was the end of school life, off, leaving to various places like tokyo...see them again?hmmm...for others it was just another step closer ...at least when it comes to the attire.
my graduation won't be looking like this though...
For the girls, some chose the traditional kimono for their departure moment...these kimono's can be very expensive, however the result can be...well, nice for a day. renting the amazing.
for others, it can be well, the classic style, which probably ends up standing out even more when there is only a few of you!...(kasumi-chan and kurita-san)
'Nishiyamalab' homies: kayo-chan, kiho-chan and okada-san...omedeto gozaimasu!
asami-chan...bon courage dans la capitale!
from the hair down to the geta: it sure makes the picture look a little more vivrant.
une petite photo pour l'année prochaine en france les mecs! gyas-san et seno-kun...
bo-gosse mori-san!...eh ouais, toujours classe ce taka...
for the guys, it's also the same deal: some chose the traditional male kimono, with the hakama over-coat...and some straight stick with the suit!
this one is for the road...the road to tokyo. satomi-chan, ganbate ne!
peace. sayonara?
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