Seeing this event on tv from the other side of the world growing up, i couldn't believe the feeling as soon as I caught a glimpse of the ring, it's like when you catch of piece of the grass inside a stadium through the bleachers and exits...
It's very popular in Japan, however a lot of people have never been. It's true that it's not the cheapest thing either. The purple pads start at 75 bucks...we decided to settle for upper reserve.
Before each category of matches, they do wrestler my surprise, not all the sumo wrestlers are native japanese wrestlers...among them that day was a famous Bulgarian and Mongolian wrestler...
Here goes the trademark ceremonial sumo ritual they do before every fight...sometimes it seems like thats all they do because it usually lasts 5 to 6 min. before the actual fight that lasts sometimes only a couple secondes...
The ring is made out of compact sand and clay, and although it's slightly higher than the ground, it's enough to create threatening momentum from falling, losing, sumo wrestlers!...
The most important fights are at the end of the day, and they usually have many advertising sponsors, meaning a lot money and prizes that goes to the winner of the game...each sponsor flag represents mucho dinero!
a flying sumo wrestler!
self explanatory.
Jimmysan, Lousan, Wenwensan, Sumosans, Ericsan, Annesan and Benjiro!...arigatoo!
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